britney spears – femme fatale: the birth of mainstream dubstep?

if you haven’t already listend to Britney Spears’ new album, Femme Fatale, since it leaked online a while ago, go do it right now, or as soon as the album is released on March 29th. the reigning princess of pop has delivered yet another homerun album for our ears to feast on. the first thing you’ll notice when listening is that Britney has stayed true to her form: it is literally pop bliss from beginning to end. one thing that i found refreshing with this album is how cohesive it feels. i read a few interviews where Britney talked about how she really wanted it to feel like everything connected with this album, and she sure kept that promise here. Femme Fatale is everything you could ask for in a classic Britney album.

what i find particularly intriguing with her latest effort, though, isn’t her single-handed domination of the definition of pop music, but what she (and her producers) have decided is the “next big thing” for music. and that, my dear readers, is Dubstep. though i haven’t written about Dubstep in any of my posts so far, i am an avid fan and go to Dubstep shows regularly in NYC. if you aren’t familiar with the style, i suggest checking out this youtube video to see what it’s all about. Britney and her team have made a conscious effort to include this Dubstep-esque style with nearly every track on this album, and to put it simply, it just works. these heavy bass beats mixed with the sugary pop (seriously, they’re so sweet i was afraid i might lose a tooth just listening to them) of Ms. Spears’ songs make for an ear-pleasing sound that is impossible to ignore.

so the question i pose to you is this: do you think that with the release of Femme Fatale we will see mainstream music begin to adopt this new style? is this what the future of the music industry sounds like? or is something only our very own Brit can pull off?

one last thing: the amount of sexual innuendo in this album is almost obscene. seriously, i have listened to the album multiple times and i still am hearing dirty little things that i haven’t caught before (ahem, “my heart only runs on supreme, so hot give me your gasoline” or “you got something that i like but i might regret it”), but again, it works for her, and it definitely works for this album.

i don’t want to tell you which songs i think stand out, because i really do believe that the album should be enjoyed as whole, and not track by track. but as you’re listening, look for stand out tracks “Inside Out” and “Gasoline.”


be sure to download her album as soon as it is released. you can find her iTunes page here, and her Amazon page here.



~ by musicforeveryone on March 24, 2011.

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